Roman Catholic Gear is the official home of the Grace Force™ Store. The Grace Force mission is to implore God’s protection and blessing on the Church and nation, especially imploring God’s protection for those who put their lives on the line to protect and defend life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Enlist in the Grace Force and join 60,000+ Special Forces Prayer Warriors to pray for our country and our Church. Engage in USGF Special Operations including the powerful 54-Day Rosary Novena and other prayers and novenas. Receive daily marching orders through daily emails with specific prayers and reflections/teachings. Witness a multitude of miracles through the power of prayer. Learn more.
Tactical Pen With Battle Ready Bookmark Roman Catholic GearTactical Pen With Battle Ready Bookmark Roman Catholic Gear
Tactical Pen With Battle Ready Bookmark
$35.99 USD
Pray Like a Champion - Prayer Card Roman Catholic Gear
Pray Like a Champion - Prayer Card
$3.95 USD
Basic Training Pack Roman Catholic GearBasic Training Pack Roman Catholic Gear
Basic Training Pack
$53.99 USD
Spiritual Ammo Can Set Roman Catholic GearSpiritual Ammo Can Set Roman Catholic Gear
Spiritual Ammo Can Set
$107.99 USD
Peace Through Strength Go Bag - Fully Loaded Roman Catholic GearPeace Through Strength Go Bag - Fully Loaded Roman Catholic Gear
Peace Through Strength Go Bag - Fully Loaded
$180.00 USD $179.99 USD
St. Joseph Strong Challenge Coin Roman Catholic Gear
St. Joseph Strong Challenge Coin
$12.99 USD Temporarily Out Of Stock
United States Grace Force® Challenge Coin Roman Catholic GearUnited States Grace Force® Challenge Coin Roman Catholic Gear
United States Grace Force® Challenge Coin
$12.95 USD
Grace Force® Strength and Alliance Field Journal Roman Catholic GearGrace Force® Strength and Alliance Field Journal Roman Catholic Gear
Grace Force® Strength and Alliance Field Journal
$29.95 USD
Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal Roman Catholic GearPeace Through Strength Prayer Journal Roman Catholic Gear
Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal
$29.95 USD
USGF 54 Day Basic Training Book Roman Catholic GearUSGF 54 Day Basic Training Book Roman Catholic Gear
USGF 54 Day Basic Training Book
$16.95 USD
Grace Force® Lapel Pin (Gold or Sliver) Roman Catholic GearGrace Force® Lapel Pin (Gold or Sliver) Roman Catholic Gear
Grace Force® Lapel Pin (Gold or Sliver)
$7.95 USD
Grace Force Heal Our Land Flag Pin Roman Catholic GearGrace Force Heal Our Land Flag Pin Roman Catholic Gear
Heal Our Land Flag Pin
$7.95 USD
Peace Through Strength Go BAG Roman Catholic GearPeace Through Strength Go BAG Roman Catholic Gear
Peace Through Strength Go BAG
$29.95 USD $14.95 USD

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