Castel Sant’Angelo St. Michael Statue

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Castel Sant’Angelo St. Michael Statue — Archangel Michael Protection

  • Remind yourself of the St. Michael prayer
  • Same statue in miniature as that atop Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome
  • 14 1/2" x 10" 
  • 2 lb. 3 oz.
  • Stand solid against the forces of Satan!

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

The mighty Castel Sant’Angelo St. Michael Statue is a powerful reminder of God’s mercy in times of pestilence.

Just as this global pandemic emerged in 2020, we watched as evil seemed to explode all around us. We felt fear grip our nation as we witnessed lockdowns, family businesses burned to the ground or lost due to closings, whole cities boarded up, children traumatized as they were kept out of their schools, suicides sky-rocketed, church closings, sacraments being kept from the people, and violent domestic terrorist mobs ruling the streets. In many ways, we felt helpless. So many of our freedoms were taken from us. How could this be in the land of the free and home of the brave? It’s time to do the “Pope St. Gregory Thing” and call upon St. Michael the Archangel to push out this plague, this invisible enemy, and restore our freedoms!

The resin statue of St. Michael the Archangel is the same one that is in Rome on top of Castel Sant’Angelo, known as “The Castle of the Holy Angel,” and it has quite a story behind it. Around 590, toward the beginning of Pope St. Gregory the Great’s papacy, there was a terrible plague where many were dying. The Pope was inspired to organize massive processions throughout the city. During the processions, the plague was lifted as an image of the Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin was carried through the streets.

In the book The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints, Jacobus de Voragine describes the event, saying “The poisonous uncleanness of the air yielded to the image as if fleeing from it and being unable to withstand its presence: the passage of the picture brought a wonderful serenity and purity in the air.” Then the pope saw an angel of the Lord standing on top of the castle of Crescentius, wiping and sheathing a bloody sword. This miraculous event marked the end of the plague; the castle was renamed in the angel’s honor, and a statue of St. Michael the Archangel was placed on top to signify his protection over the city.

Fast forward to the plague we are facing today. Besides the threat of this plague, many have suffered financially, physically, and spiritually during these times. The suicide rate has exploded, for example. Family businesses were lost, people were kept from church, children were traumatized as they were kept out of their schools, etc., etc. 

This statue represents our collective call to God, through the mighty St. Michael the Archangel, to give us a similar blessing received by Pope St. Gregory the Great. This is not only our call to God to end the plague, but to restore America as it once was — the land of the free and home of the brave. We need our freedoms restored.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Maria Woods
Defend us in battle!

Delighted to have ordered this particular statue! It was stunning!

Nora Germain
Castel Sant’Angelo St. Michael Statue

A beautiful statue, solid and made of resin, but looks like it’s made of copper or brass! Incredible that it is a replica of a Statue on a Church in Rome. So worth the price, had it blessed by my Parish Priest the day it came in the mail!


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